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Cheap Colleges Offering Bachelor's Degrees in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Bachelor's Degree SchoolsOffered In
Wisconsin is an OK state to get cheap bachelor's degree. There are 4 colleges offering cheap programs in Wisconsin, and the best opportunity is offered by Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University. This school offers a decent cheap bachelor's degree program evaluated with three stars for curriculum and three-star rating for teaching.

Learn about all 4 cheap colleges granting bachelor's degrees in Wisconsin below or narrow your search by program or city in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin cheap bachelor's degree colleges:

Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University - Cheap College Ranking
1. Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University

Located in Hayward, 2 bachelor's programs

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Flex - Cheap College Ranking
2. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Flex

Located in Milwaukee, 4 bachelor's programs

College of Menominee Nation - Cheap College Ranking
3. College of Menominee Nation

Located in Keshena, 4 bachelor's programs

University of Wisconsin Parkside Flex - Cheap College Ranking
4. University of Wisconsin Parkside Flex

Located in Kenosha, 1 bachelor's program

Cheap bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Henry Ford College - Cheap College Ranking
Henry Ford College

Located in Dearborn, MI, 1 bachelor's program

Bay Mills Community College - Cheap College Ranking
Bay Mills Community College

Located in Brimley, MI, 2 bachelor's programs

Fond Du Lac Tribal and Community College - Cheap College Ranking
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College

Located in Cloquet, MN, 1 bachelor's program

Union Bible College - Cheap College Ranking
Union Bible College

Located in Westfield, IN, 2 bachelor's programs

Wisconsin cheap bachelor's degrees by major:

Business: 3 cheap colleges
Computer: 1 cheap college
Education: 1 cheap college
Management: 3 cheap colleges
Medical: 1 cheap college
Nursing: 1 cheap college
Social Work: 2 cheap colleges

Other cheap diplomas in WI:

Certificates: 15 cheap colleges
Associate's Degrees: 15 cheap colleges

Wisconsin cheap colleges by city:

Appleton: 1 cheap college
Cleveland: 1 cheap college
Eau Claire: 1 cheap college
Fennimore: 1 cheap college
Fond Du Lac: 1 cheap college
Hayward: 1 cheap college
Janesville: 1 cheap college
Kenosha: 2 cheap colleges
Keshena: 1 cheap college
La Crosse: 1 cheap college
Madison: 1 cheap college
Milwaukee: 1 cheap college
Pewaukee: 1 cheap college
Rhinelander: 1 cheap college
Wausau: 1 cheap college
Wisconsin Rapids: 1 cheap college

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