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Cheap Computer Bachelor's Degrees in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Computer Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we reviewed 1 Wisconsin cheap college offering computer bachelor's degrees, and University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Flex is the only option.

Check the only Wisconsin cheap college providing computer science bachelor's degrees and cheap colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or consider other cheap major or diploma.

WI cheap computer bachelor's degree colleges:

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Flex - Cheap College Ranking

Cheap computer bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Bay Mills Community College - Cheap College Ranking
Bay Mills Community College

Located in Brimley, Michigan

WI cheap colleges offering other bachelor's degrees:

Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University - Cheap College Ranking
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University

Located in Hayward, 2 bachelor's programs

College of Menominee Nation - Cheap College Ranking
College of Menominee Nation

Located in Keshena, 4 bachelor's programs

University of Wisconsin Parkside Flex - Cheap College Ranking
University of Wisconsin Parkside Flex

Located in Kenosha, 1 bachelor's program

Other cheap bachelor's degrees in WI:

Business: 3 cheap colleges
Education: 1 cheap college
Management: 3 cheap colleges
Medical: 1 cheap college
Nursing: 1 cheap college
Social Work: 2 cheap colleges

Other cheap computer diplomas in WI:

Certificates: 8 cheap colleges
Associate's Degrees: 13 cheap colleges

Wisconsin cheap colleges by city:

Appleton: 1 cheap college
Cleveland: 1 cheap college
Eau Claire: 1 cheap college
Fennimore: 1 cheap college
Fond Du Lac: 1 cheap college
Hayward: 1 cheap college
Janesville: 1 cheap college
Kenosha: 2 cheap colleges
Keshena: 1 cheap college
La Crosse: 1 cheap college
Madison: 1 cheap college
Milwaukee: 1 cheap college
Pewaukee: 1 cheap college
Rhinelander: 1 cheap college
Wausau: 1 cheap college
Wisconsin Rapids: 1 cheap college

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