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Iowa Lakes Community College: Cheap Ranking 2024

Iowa Lakes Community CollegeRanked
in the USA
Iowa Lakes Community College is a very small public community college located in Estherville, Iowa. This college is operating since 1967 and is currently offering certificates and associate's degrees in 41 programs.

Iowa Lakes Community College is inexpensive; depending on the program, tuition is about $8,000 a year. It is reported that Iowa Lakes Community College area is relatively safe; the college is reported to have a fair rating for campus crime.

Based on 59 evaluation metrics, Iowa Lakes Community College cheap program ranks #285 Cheap College (out of 577; top 50%) in USA and #10 Cheap College in Iowa. Major competitors for this college are Wayne State College and Peru State College. Check the details about all twelve competitors as well as available cheap majors and minors below.

Cheap programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

#10 Cheap College in Iowa
#103 Cheap College in the Midwest
#285 Cheap College in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Best Cheap Aerospace Program in Iowa
Second Best Cheap Flight Program in Iowa
Second Best Cheap Environmental Program in Iowa
Second Best Cheap Massage Program in Iowa
Third Best Cheap Occupational Therapy Program in Iowa
Third Best Cheap Law Program in Iowa
Third Best Cheap Marketing Program in Iowa
Third Best Cheap Beauty Program in Iowa
#4 Cheap Hospitality Program in Iowa
#5 Cheap Arts Program in Iowa
#6 Cheap Agriculture Program in Iowa
#7 Cheap HVAC Program in Iowa
#7 Cheap Journalism Program in Iowa
#7 Cheap Police Program in Iowa
#7 Cheap Secretary Program in Iowa
#8 Cheap Mechanic Program in Iowa
#8 Cheap Psychology Program in Iowa
#8 Cheap Biology Program in Iowa
#8 Cheap Engineering Program in Iowa
#8 Cheap Computer Program in Iowa
#8 Cheap Management Program in Iowa
#8 Cheap Business Program in Iowa
#9 Cheap Electrical Program in Iowa
#9 Cheap Nursing Program in Iowa
#9 Cheap Accounting Program in Iowa
#10 Cheap Medical Program in Iowa

Regional Ranking

Second Best Cheap Aerospace Program in the Midwest
#13 Cheap Massage Program in the Midwest
#14 Cheap Flight Program in the Midwest
#28 Cheap Occupational Therapy Program in the Midwest
#28 Cheap Beauty Program in the Midwest
#30 Cheap Environmental Program in the Midwest
#31 Cheap Journalism Program in the Midwest
#31 Cheap Hospitality Program in the Midwest
#35 Cheap Law Program in the Midwest
#44 Cheap Psychology Program in the Midwest
#48 Cheap Marketing Program in the Midwest
#49 Cheap HVAC Program in the Midwest
#53 Cheap Agriculture Program in the Midwest
#57 Cheap Biology Program in the Midwest
#58 Cheap Electrical Program in the Midwest
#61 Cheap Arts Program in the Midwest
#63 Cheap Secretary Program in the Midwest
#69 Cheap Mechanic Program in the Midwest
#73 Cheap Police Program in the Midwest
#74 Cheap Engineering Program in the Midwest
#77 Cheap Accounting Program in the Midwest
#87 Cheap Computer Program in the Midwest
#89 Cheap Management Program in the Midwest
#91 Cheap Nursing Program in the Midwest
#91 Cheap Business Program in the Midwest
#93 Cheap Medical Program in the Midwest

National Ranking

#6 Cheap Aerospace Program in USA
#28 Cheap Massage Program in USA
#38 Cheap Flight Program in USA
#66 Cheap Beauty Program in USA
#71 Cheap Occupational Therapy Program in USA
#83 Cheap Hospitality Program in USA
#84 Cheap Law Program in USA
#89 Cheap Environmental Program in USA
#93 Cheap Agriculture Program in USA
#97 Cheap HVAC Program in USA
#97 Cheap Journalism Program in USA

More program rankings:

See how Iowa Lakes Community College is ranking among community colleges in Iowa.

Contact information:

Iowa Lakes Community College
19 S 7th St
Estherville, IA 51334-2295
Phone: (712) 362-2601

Location map:

Iowa Lakes Community College Location Map


One but less than two years certificate

Agricultural Production Operations
Autobody, Collision and Repair Technology
Commercial and Advertising Art
General Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science
General Office Occupations and Clerical Services
General Sales, Distribution, and Marketing Operations
HVAC and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology
Licensed Practical and Vocational Nurse Training
Marine Maintenance and Ship Repair Technology
Massage Therapy
Medical Assistant
Medical Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary
Motorcycle Maintenance and Repair Technology
Other Hospitality Administration and Management
Surgical Technology
Vehicle and Vehicle Parts and Accessories Marketing Operations

Associate's degree

Agricultural Power Machinery Operation
Agricultural Production Operations
Agricultural Supplies Retailing and Wholesaling
Autobody, Collision and Repair Technology
Automotive Mechanics Technology
Commercial and Advertising Art
Criminal Justice and Police Science
Criminal Justice and Safety Studies
Digital Communication and Multimedia
Electromechanical Engineering Technology
Environmental Studies
Game and Interactive Media Design
General Aeronautics, Aviation, Aerospace Science and Technology
General Biology
General Business Administration and Management
General Cosmetology
General Psychology
General Sales, Distribution, and Marketing Operations
HVAC and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology
Legal Assistant
Marine Maintenance and Ship Repair Technology
Motorcycle Maintenance and Repair Technology
Office Management and Supervision
Other Hospitality Administration and Management
Other Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions
Registered Nursing
Specific Applications Computer Programming
Substance Addiction Counseling
Surgical Technology
Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Management and Recycling Technology
Web and Multimedia Management

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