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Cheap Colleges Offering Certificates in New York

New York Certificate SchoolsOffered In
New York is a fair state to get cheap certificate. There are 12 colleges offering cheap programs in New York, and the best option is offered by Memorial Hospital School of Radiation Therapy Technology. This school has a decent cheap certificate program - three stars for curriculum and three-star rating for teaching.

Read the details about all 12 cheap colleges granting certificates in New York below or narrow your search by program or city in New York.

New York cheap certificate colleges:

Memorial Hospital School of Radiation Therapy Technology - Cheap College Ranking
1. Memorial Hospital School of Radiation Therapy Technology

Located in New York City, 1 certificate program

Fulton Montgomery Community College - Cheap College Ranking
2. Fulton Montgomery Community College

Located in Johnstown, 5 certificate programs

Finger Lakes Community College - Cheap College Ranking
3. Finger Lakes Community College

Located in Canandaigua, 11 certificate programs

Herkimer County Community College - Cheap College Ranking
4. Herkimer County Community College

Located in Herkimer, 10 certificate programs

Clinton Community College - Cheap College Ranking
5. Clinton Community College

Located in Plattsburgh, 10 certificate programs

Genesee Community College - Cheap College Ranking
6. Genesee Community College

Located in Batavia, 11 certificate programs

Otsego Area BOCES Practical Nursing Program - Cheap College Ranking
7. Otsego Area BOCES Practical Nursing Program

Located in Oneonta, 1 certificate program

New Age Training - Cheap College Ranking
8. New Age Training

Located in New York City, 1 certificate program

Jefferson Community College - Cheap College Ranking
9. Jefferson Community College

Located in Watertown, 13 certificate programs

Washington Saratoga Warren Hamilton Essex BOCES Practical Nursing Program - Cheap College Ranking
American Beauty School - Cheap College Ranking
11. American Beauty School

Located in Bronx, 1 certificate program

Royal Learning Institute Jackson Heights - Cheap College Ranking
12. Royal Learning Institute Jackson Heights

Located in Jackson Heights, 1 certificate program

Cheap certificates in nearby states:

Framingham State University - Cheap College Ranking
Framingham State University

Located in Framingham, MA, 8 certificate programs

Salem State University - Cheap College Ranking
Salem State University

Located in Salem, MA, 18 certificate programs

Bridgewater State University - Cheap College Ranking
Bridgewater State University

Located in Bridgewater, MA, 23 certificate programs

Westfield State University - Cheap College Ranking
Westfield State University

Located in Westfield, MA, 15 certificate programs

Worcester State University - Cheap College Ranking
Worcester State University

Located in Worcester, MA, 22 certificate programs

Fitchburg State University - Cheap College Ranking
Fitchburg State University

Located in Fitchburg, MA, 28 certificate programs

Middlesex College - Cheap College Ranking
Middlesex College

Located in Edison, NJ, 17 certificate programs

Berkshire Community College - Cheap College Ranking
Berkshire Community College

Located in Pittsfield, MA, 1 certificate program

Raritan Valley Community College - Cheap College Ranking
Raritan Valley Community College

Located in Branchburg, NJ, 24 certificate programs

Quincy College - Cheap College Ranking
Quincy College

Located in Quincy, MA, 4 certificate programs

Greenfield Community College - Cheap College Ranking
Greenfield Community College

Located in Greenfield, MA, 2 certificate programs

Sussex County Community College - Cheap College Ranking
Sussex County Community College

Located in Newton, NJ, 9 certificate programs

Ocean County College - Cheap College Ranking
Ocean County College

Located in Toms River, NJ, 13 certificate programs

New York cheap certificates by major:

Accounting: 1 cheap college
Agriculture: 1 cheap college
Arts: 1 cheap college
Beauty: 1 cheap college
Business: 3 cheap colleges
Computer: 3 cheap colleges
Culinary: 1 cheap college
Education: 5 cheap colleges
Electrical: 1 cheap college
Engineering: 4 cheap colleges
Environmental: 1 cheap college
Fashion: 1 cheap college
Finance: 1 cheap college
Fire: 1 cheap college
Hospitality: 3 cheap colleges
HVAC: 1 cheap college
Law: 2 cheap colleges
Management: 5 cheap colleges
Marketing: 1 cheap college
Mechanic: 1 cheap college
Medical: 8 cheap colleges
Nursing: 2 cheap colleges
Police: 4 cheap colleges
Psychology: 2 cheap colleges
Secretary: 2 cheap colleges
Social Work: 1 cheap college

Other cheap diplomas in NY:

Associate's Degrees: 7 cheap colleges

New York cheap colleges by city:

Batavia: 1 cheap college
Bronx: 1 cheap college
Canandaigua: 1 cheap college
Herkimer: 1 cheap college
Hudson Falls: 1 cheap college
Jackson Heights: 1 cheap college
Johnstown: 1 cheap college
New York City: 2 cheap colleges
Oneonta: 1 cheap college
Plattsburgh: 1 cheap college
Watertown: 1 cheap college
Yonkers: 1 cheap college

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