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Cheap Colleges Offering Certificates in Minnesota

Minnesota Certificate SchoolsOffered In
Minnesota is a good place to obtain your cheap certificate. There are 23 colleges offering cheap programs in Minnesota, and the best option is offered by Anoka Technical College. This school offers a good cheap certificate program: three stars for curriculum and four-star rating for teaching.

Learn about all 23 cheap colleges granting certificates in Minnesota below or narrow your search by program or city in Minnesota.

Minnesota cheap certificate colleges:

Anoka Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
1. Anoka Technical College

Located in Anoka, 21 certificate programs

Dakota County Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
2. Dakota County Technical College

Located in Rosemount, 26 certificate programs

Century College - Cheap College Ranking
3. Century College

Located in White Bear Lake, 26 certificate programs

Minnesota State Community and Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
4. Minnesota State Community and Technical College

Located in Fergus Falls, 38 certificate programs

St Cloud Technical and Community College - Cheap College Ranking
5. St Cloud Technical and Community College

Located in Saint Cloud, 27 certificate programs

Ridgewater College - Cheap College Ranking
6. Ridgewater College

Located in Willmar, 36 certificate programs

Alexandria Technical & Community College - Cheap College Ranking
7. Alexandria Technical & Community College

Located in Alexandria, 17 certificate programs

Minnesota State College Southeast - Cheap College Ranking
8. Minnesota State College Southeast

Located in Winona, 22 certificate programs

Hennepin Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
9. Hennepin Technical College

Located in Brooklyn Park, 44 certificate programs

Northland Community and Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
10. Northland Community and Technical College

Located in Thief River Falls, 23 certificate programs

Central Lakes College Brainerd - Cheap College Ranking
11. Central Lakes College Brainerd

Located in Brainerd, 26 certificate programs

Lake Superior College - Cheap College Ranking
12. Lake Superior College

Located in Duluth, 27 certificate programs

Riverland Community College - Cheap College Ranking
13. Riverland Community College

Located in Austin, 20 certificate programs

Rochester Community and Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
14. Rochester Community and Technical College

Located in Rochester, 12 certificate programs

Northwest Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
15. Northwest Technical College

Located in Bemidji, 14 certificate programs

Inver Hills Community College - Cheap College Ranking
16. Inver Hills Community College

Located in Inver Grove Heights, 4 certificate programs

North Hennepin Community College - Cheap College Ranking
17. North Hennepin Community College

Located in Brooklyn Park, 4 certificate programs

Anoka Ramsey Community College - Cheap College Ranking
18. Anoka Ramsey Community College

Located in Coon Rapids, 7 certificate programs

Saint Paul College - Cheap College Ranking
19. Saint Paul College

Located in Saint Paul, 20 certificate programs

Minnesota North College - Cheap College Ranking
20. Minnesota North College

Located in Hibbing, 16 certificate programs

South Central College - Cheap College Ranking
21. South Central College

Located in North Mankato, 27 certificate programs

Fond Du Lac Tribal and Community College - Cheap College Ranking
22. Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College

Located in Cloquet, 6 certificate programs

Minneapolis Community and Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
23. Minneapolis Community and Technical College

Located in Minneapolis, 20 certificate programs

Cheap certificates in nearby states:

Minot State University - Cheap College Ranking
Minot State University

Located in Minot, ND, 5 certificate programs

Sinte Gleska University - Cheap College Ranking
Sinte Gleska University

Located in Mission, SD, 15 certificate programs

Sitting Bull College - Cheap College Ranking
Sitting Bull College

Located in Fort Yates, ND, 1 certificate program

Lake Area Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
Lake Area Technical College

Located in Watertown, SD, 10 certificate programs

Minnesota cheap certificates by major:

Accounting: 16 cheap colleges
Agriculture: 11 cheap colleges
Architecture: 8 cheap colleges
Arts: 10 cheap colleges
Beauty: 6 cheap colleges
Biology: 2 cheap colleges
Business: 8 cheap colleges
Computer: 16 cheap colleges
Construction: 14 cheap colleges
Culinary: 7 cheap colleges
Dental: 11 cheap colleges
Education: 9 cheap colleges
Electrical: 13 cheap colleges
Engineering: 14 cheap colleges
Environmental: 2 cheap colleges
Fashion: 1 cheap college
Film: 3 cheap colleges
Finance: 1 cheap college
Fire: 3 cheap colleges
Flight: 3 cheap colleges
Graphic Design: 10 cheap colleges
Hospitality: 1 cheap college
HVAC: 10 cheap colleges
Interior Design: 3 cheap colleges
Journalism: 4 cheap colleges
Foreign Languages: 2 cheap colleges
Law: 9 cheap colleges
Management: 17 cheap colleges
Marketing: 11 cheap colleges
Massage: 8 cheap colleges
Mechanic: 19 cheap colleges
Medical: 22 cheap colleges
Music: 1 cheap college
Nursing: 18 cheap colleges
Occupational Therapy: 1 cheap college
Performing Arts: 2 cheap colleges
Pharmacy: 4 cheap colleges
Police: 6 cheap colleges
Psychology: 3 cheap colleges
Secretary: 16 cheap colleges
Social Work: 6 cheap colleges
Sport: 1 cheap college
Theatre: 1 cheap college
Trucking: 5 cheap colleges

Other cheap diplomas in MN:

Associate's Degrees: 26 cheap colleges
Bachelor's Degrees: 1 cheap college

Minnesota cheap colleges by city:

Alexandria: 1 cheap college
Anoka: 1 cheap college
Austin: 1 cheap college
Bemidji: 1 cheap college
Bloomington: 1 cheap college
Brainerd: 1 cheap college
Brooklyn Park: 2 cheap colleges
Cass Lake: 1 cheap college
Cloquet: 1 cheap college
Coon Rapids: 1 cheap college
Duluth: 1 cheap college
Fergus Falls: 1 cheap college
Hibbing: 1 cheap college
Inver Grove Heights: 1 cheap college
Minneapolis: 1 cheap college
North Mankato: 1 cheap college
Red Lake: 1 cheap college
Rochester: 1 cheap college
Rosemount: 1 cheap college
Saint Cloud: 1 cheap college
Saint Paul: 1 cheap college
Thief River Falls: 1 cheap college
White Bear Lake: 1 cheap college
Willmar: 1 cheap college
Winona: 1 cheap college

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