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Cheap Colleges Offering Bachelor's Degrees in West Virginia

West Virginia Bachelor's Degree SchoolsOffered In
West Virginia is a good state to earn cheap bachelor's degree. The only college offering that option in West Virginia is American Public University System. This school offers an excellent cheap bachelor's degree program evaluated with five stars for curriculum and five-star rating for teaching.

There may be more cheap colleges in West Virginia fitting your educational requirements. Use the links below to learn about cheap college options in West Virginia and nationwide.

West Virginia cheap bachelor's degree colleges:

American Public University System - Cheap College Ranking
1. American Public University System

Located in Charles Town, 43 bachelor's programs

Cheap bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Sentara College of Health Sciences - Cheap College Ranking
Sentara College of Health Sciences

Located in Chesapeake, VA, 2 bachelor's programs

Sinclair Community College - Cheap College Ranking
Sinclair Community College

Located in Dayton, OH, 1 bachelor's program

Central State University - Cheap College Ranking
Central State University

Located in Wilberforce, OH, 40 bachelor's programs

Clark State College - Cheap College Ranking
Clark State College

Located in Springfield, OH, 3 bachelor's programs

Gods Bible School and College - Cheap College Ranking
Gods Bible School and College

Located in Cincinnati, OH, 4 bachelor's programs

Allegheny Wesleyan College - Cheap College Ranking
Allegheny Wesleyan College

Located in Salem, OH, 2 bachelor's programs

West Virginia cheap bachelor's degrees by major:

Accounting: 1 cheap college
Aerospace: 1 cheap college
Business: 1 cheap college
Computer: 1 cheap college
Engineering: 1 cheap college
Environmental: 1 cheap college
Fire: 1 cheap college
Flight: 1 cheap college
History: 1 cheap college
Hospitality: 1 cheap college
Journalism: 1 cheap college
Law: 1 cheap college
Literature: 1 cheap college
Management: 1 cheap college
Marketing: 1 cheap college
Mathematics: 1 cheap college
Medical: 1 cheap college
Nursing: 1 cheap college
Philosophy: 1 cheap college
Police: 1 cheap college
Politics: 1 cheap college
Psychology: 1 cheap college
Sociology: 1 cheap college
Sport: 1 cheap college

Other cheap diplomas in WV:

Certificates: 10 cheap colleges
Associate's Degrees: 3 cheap colleges
Master's Degrees: 1 cheap college
Doctoral Degrees: 1 cheap college

West Virginia cheap colleges by city:

Charles Town: 1 cheap college
Clarksburg: 1 cheap college
Dunbar: 1 cheap college
Eleanor: 1 cheap college
Huntington: 1 cheap college
Martinsburg: 1 cheap college
Morgantown: 1 cheap college
Mount Gay: 1 cheap college
New Cumberland: 1 cheap college
Oak Hill: 1 cheap college

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