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Cheap Colleges Offering Bachelor's Degrees in Florida

Florida Bachelor's Degree SchoolsOffered In
Florida is a fair state to earn your cheap bachelor's degree. There are 7 colleges offering cheap programs in Florida, and the best opportunity is offered by Pensacola State College. This school has a good cheap bachelor's degree program: three-star rating for curriculum and four-star rating for teaching.

Learn about all 7 cheap colleges granting bachelor's degrees in Florida below or narrow your search by program or city in Florida.

Florida cheap bachelor's degree colleges:

Pensacola State College - Cheap College Ranking
1. Pensacola State College

Located in Pensacola, 3 bachelor's programs

Santa Fe College - Cheap College Ranking
2. Santa Fe College

Located in Gainesville, 9 bachelor's programs

State College of Florida Manatee Sarasota - Cheap College Ranking
3. State College of Florida Manatee Sarasota

Located in Bradenton, 7 bachelor's programs

Florida Polytechnic University - Cheap College Ranking
4. Florida Polytechnic University

Located in Lakeland, 10 bachelor's programs

Hobe Sound Bible College - Cheap College Ranking
5. Hobe Sound Bible College

Located in Hobe Sound, 11 bachelor's programs

Gulf Coast State College - Cheap College Ranking
6. Gulf Coast State College

Located in Panama City, 6 bachelor's programs

University of Fort Lauderdale - Cheap College Ranking
7. University of Fort Lauderdale

Located in Lauderhill, 2 bachelor's programs

Cheap bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Huntsville Bible College - Cheap College Ranking
Huntsville Bible College

Located in Huntsville, AL, 1 bachelor's program

Georgia Military College - Cheap College Ranking
Georgia Military College

Located in Milledgeville, GA, 3 bachelor's programs

Reformed University - Cheap College Ranking
Reformed University

Located in Lawrenceville, GA, 1 bachelor's program

Florida cheap bachelor's degrees by major:

Accounting: 1 cheap college
Arts: 1 cheap college
Biology: 1 cheap college
Business: 5 cheap colleges
Computer: 5 cheap colleges
Education: 3 cheap colleges
Engineering: 1 cheap college
Environmental: 1 cheap college
Film: 1 cheap college
Graphic Design: 1 cheap college
History: 1 cheap college
Journalism: 1 cheap college
Management: 6 cheap colleges
Mathematics: 2 cheap colleges
Medical: 2 cheap colleges
Music: 1 cheap college
Nursing: 4 cheap colleges
Physics: 1 cheap college
Police: 1 cheap college
Psychology: 1 cheap college

Other cheap diplomas in FL:

Certificates: 8 cheap colleges
Associate's Degrees: 7 cheap colleges
Master's Degrees: 4 cheap colleges

Florida cheap colleges by city:

Bradenton: 1 cheap college
Davie: 1 cheap college
Gainesville: 1 cheap college
Hobe Sound: 1 cheap college
Lakeland: 1 cheap college
Lauderhill: 1 cheap college
Miami Lakes: 1 cheap college
Oakland Park: 1 cheap college
Panama City: 1 cheap college
Pensacola: 1 cheap college
Perry: 1 cheap college
Sarasota: 1 cheap college

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