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Cheap Colleges Offering Associate's Degrees in South Dakota

South Dakota Associate's Degree SchoolsOffered In
South Dakota is a fair state to obtain your cheap associate's degree. There are 8 colleges offering cheap programs in South Dakota, and the best opportunity is offered by Sinte Gleska University. This college has a good cheap associate's degree program evaluated with four stars for curriculum and three-star rating for teaching.

Learn about all 8 cheap colleges offering associate's degrees in South Dakota below or narrow your search by program or city in South Dakota.

South Dakota cheap associate's degree colleges:

Sinte Gleska University - Cheap College Ranking
1. Sinte Gleska University

Located in Mission, 27 associate's programs

Lake Area Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
2. Lake Area Technical College

Located in Watertown, 28 associate's programs

Southeast Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
3. Southeast Technical College

Located in Sioux Falls, 35 associate's programs

Mitchell Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
4. Mitchell Technical College

Located in Mitchell, 27 associate's programs

Oglala Lakota College - Cheap College Ranking
5. Oglala Lakota College

Located in Kyle, 12 associate's programs

Western Dakota Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
6. Western Dakota Technical College

Located in Rapid City, 19 associate's programs

National American University Ellsworth - Cheap College Ranking
7. National American University Ellsworth

Located in Box Elder, 11 associate's programs

Sisseton Wahpeton College - Cheap College Ranking
8. Sisseton Wahpeton College

Located in Sisseton, 6 associate's programs

Cheap associate's degrees in nearby states:

Minot State University - Cheap College Ranking
Minot State University

Located in Minot, ND, 1 associate's program

Stone Child College - Cheap College Ranking
Stone Child College

Located in Box Elder, MT, 19 associate's programs

Sitting Bull College - Cheap College Ranking
Sitting Bull College

Located in Fort Yates, ND, 12 associate's programs

Dakota County Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
Dakota County Technical College

Located in Rosemount, MN, 33 associate's programs

Bismarck State College - Cheap College Ranking
Bismarck State College

Located in Bismarck, ND, 28 associate's programs

Anoka Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
Anoka Technical College

Located in Anoka, MN, 21 associate's programs

Century College - Cheap College Ranking
Century College

Located in White Bear Lake, MN, 60 associate's programs

Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture - Cheap College Ranking
Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture

Located in Curtis, NE, 2 associate's programs

Southeast Community College Area - Cheap College Ranking
Southeast Community College Area

Located in Lincoln, NE, 31 associate's programs

Minnesota State Community and Technical College - Cheap College Ranking
Minnesota State Community and Technical College

Located in Fergus Falls, MN, 42 associate's programs

St Cloud Technical and Community College - Cheap College Ranking
St Cloud Technical and Community College

Located in Saint Cloud, MN, 44 associate's programs

Ridgewater College - Cheap College Ranking
Ridgewater College

Located in Willmar, MN, 44 associate's programs

Alexandria Technical & Community College - Cheap College Ranking
Alexandria Technical & Community College

Located in Alexandria, MN, 27 associate's programs

Minnesota State College Southeast - Cheap College Ranking
Minnesota State College Southeast

Located in Winona, MN, 37 associate's programs

Mid Plains Community College - Cheap College Ranking
Mid Plains Community College

Located in North Platte, NE, 16 associate's programs

Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College - Cheap College Ranking
Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College

Located in New Town, ND, 12 associate's programs

Hawkeye Community College - Cheap College Ranking
Hawkeye Community College

Located in Waterloo, IA, 41 associate's programs

South Dakota cheap associate's degrees by major:

Accounting: 5 cheap colleges
Agriculture: 4 cheap colleges
Architecture: 1 cheap college
Arts: 3 cheap colleges
Beauty: 1 cheap college
Biology: 2 cheap colleges
Business: 8 cheap colleges
Computer: 8 cheap colleges
Construction: 4 cheap colleges
Culinary: 1 cheap college
Dental: 1 cheap college
Education: 3 cheap colleges
Electrical: 6 cheap colleges
Engineering: 5 cheap colleges
Environmental: 4 cheap colleges
Finance: 2 cheap colleges
Flight: 1 cheap college
Graphic Design: 2 cheap colleges
HVAC: 3 cheap colleges
Journalism: 1 cheap college
Law: 1 cheap college
Management: 8 cheap colleges
Marketing: 2 cheap colleges
Mechanic: 5 cheap colleges
Medical: 8 cheap colleges
Nursing: 5 cheap colleges
Occupational Therapy: 1 cheap college
Police: 5 cheap colleges
Psychology: 3 cheap colleges
Secretary: 4 cheap colleges
Social Work: 3 cheap colleges

Other cheap diplomas in SD:

Certificates: 9 cheap colleges
Bachelor's Degrees: 3 cheap colleges
Master's Degrees: 3 cheap colleges

South Dakota cheap colleges by city:

Box Elder: 1 cheap college
Kyle: 1 cheap college
Mission: 1 cheap college
Mitchell: 1 cheap college
Rapid City: 1 cheap college
Sioux Falls: 3 cheap colleges
Sisseton: 1 cheap college
Watertown: 1 cheap college
Yankton: 1 cheap college

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